Malta's Environmental Struggle
The construction boom is continually robbing Malta of a large number of mature trees and natural, open spaces. The less of these we have, the less clean and unpolluted air we have to breathe, leading to a variety of health risks. These include the development of asthma, respiratory infections, cancer, and the increased severity of symptoms when contracting viruses such as COVID-19 or the flu. The availability and accessibility of natural open spaces are also vital for mental health, as it is often the busy urban environment that aggravates mental stresses. The effects are most severe for children and adults with mental disabilities who become unable to relax and interact effectively with others. At an alarming rate, locals are losing their right to benefit from such spaces and across the few that remain, most are inaccessible to the elderly and people with movement-related disabilities.
Our Commitment
To offer the general public an accessible space that contributes to Maltese environmental health and a space for people to recharge, away from the noise of urban life, aiding them in maintaining and strengthening their mental health. Our premises will be accessible for the elderly and for people with movement-related disabilities. The tranquil environment will encourage children and adults with attention deficit disorders or autism to let go of their tendencies and to practice their communication skills.

LOVE is committed to being an environmentally sustainable business by applying sustainable practices across our natural land and within the bungalow. Through eco-workshops, sustainability oriented activities, and by providing a maintained, natural environment like no other in Malta, we aim to instill a passion for nature in all those who participate, triggering lifestyle changes. Our positive environmental impact will reach beyond our physical walls as we will engage in the planting and maintenance of both local trees and fruit trees.